How to snack and still show up to work tomorrow.

Healthy Snacks

Cookies & Crackers

Your typical big-brand cracker contains conventional, brominated modern wheat (toxic to the gut and brain with double the chromosomes of ancient wheat) ripened with Roundup, genetically-modified sugar, rancid inflammatory rapeseed (canola) oil, genetically-modified soy oil, partially-hydrogenated heart attack-in-a-bite cottonseed oil, high fructose corn syrup to fatten your liver, artificial colors such as yellow 6 with aluminized petroleum, “natural” flavors (usually Senomyx, from the human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293), aluminized salt, etc. Still want that snack? You can do better! We are here to give you snack options that you can safely eat.

We carry an organic Ritz-style cracker and saltine, cheddar crackers, graham crackers, sweet potato crackers, beet crackers, peanut butter graham crackers, sourdough crackers, stoneground crackers, brown rice crackers, flax seed crackers, and other gluten-free crackers.  In the way of cookies, the very best are our fresh gluten-free oatmeal cookies, but we also have keto cookies, sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies, corazon cookies, Emmy’s chocolately coconut cookies, animal cookies, elegant chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies, and more.

Chips, Dippers & Dips

Ahhh, nothing like sitting down to a nice bowl of chips and salsa with the football game! Only wait a minute — did you check that ingredient list? Doritos nacho cheese chips contain genetically modified corn, toxic canola or GMO corn oil, aluminized salt, grain-fed cheddar cheese with all the antibiotics and hormones, MSG, natural and artificial flavors (here we go again), artificial color including yellow 6, yellow 5, and red 40, GMO sugar, and preservatives, to name a few. Now check out Late July’s Organic Blue Corn Chips: organic corn, organic sunflower oil, sea salt. Which would you rather eat? When you care what goes into your body (or you just don’t want to support the abortion industry), we have options that let you sleep at night.

We carry apple chips, coconut chips, yellow and blue corn chips, potato chips (never genetically modified), barbecue chips, sour cream chips, ranch chips, jalapeno lime chips, chia and quinoa chips, nacho cheese chips, kale chips, beet chips, carrot chips, plantain chips, and many more. For dippers, we have the most authentic Mexican salsas north of the border, our own grass-fed tomato jalapeño spread, various bean dips, hummus, guacamole, and the fantastic grass-fed Kalona French Onion dip, for starters! We also have dip mixes to make your own. And we of course have carrots, celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes, apples, cheese, olives, and all the other things that are good for dipping. Hungry yet?

Packaged Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruit, & Trail Mixes

Jam-packed with nutrients, nuts and seeds are the beginning of life: they reproduce to form a new plant or tree. Just a small handful of food in this category can supply your daily requirement for omega 3 or 6 fatty acids, so vital to brain and heart health and powerfully anti-inflammatory. They also tend to be a good source of protein, and they contain an array of vitamins and minerals, though the fiber makes these less available than those in meats or cooked vegetables, for instance. We recommend everybody have a tablespoon of organic almonds or almond butter every day for the calcium and magnesium we are all so deficient in. Organic, because the conventional stuff is sprayed with jet fuel additive (propylene oxide), a class B2 carcinogen. Roasted, because this breaks down the fiber so the minerals can be absorbed.

We are Rockwall’s source for organic nuts and seeds. We carry raw almonds, roasted almonds, tamari almonds, apricot kernels, raw Brazil nuts, raw cashews, roasted cashews, roasted Valencia peanuts (Virginia peanuts are high in deadly aflatoxin mold), organic raw mammoth Texas pecans, raw pine nuts, roasted pistachios, raw walnuts, and several blends of these. We carry raw chia seeds, raw flax seeds, raw hemp seeds, raw and roasted pumpkin seeds, raw sesame seeds, and raw and roasted sunflower seeds. We could not source a clean, healthy organic trail mix of which we approved, so we make two of our own — one raw, one roasted. At the holidays, we make a cinnamony sweet and a spicy mixed nut blend.

We carry organic dried apples, bananas, blueberries, coconut, cranberries, mulberries, gogi berries, apricots, golden berries, prunes, & raisins. We have coconut date rolls, power bites full of organic fruit, dried ginger, more! When you yearn for a healthy snack for yourself or your little one, come in for a warm Texas welcome!

  • Can’t get enough of these little powerhouses? You’re not nuts!
  • Crisp and salty or smooth and creamy, these snacks always fit the bill.
  • Make your own trail mix by combining foods from this category.

Chocolate and Carob

Smooth, creamy and decadent, almost everyone loves chocolate! And why not? It is high in antioxidants, magnesium, and copper. It puts the vroom in a romantic rendevouz and warms you on a cold winter’s night. There are a couple of downsides, however, and the biggest one is the chemicals. Conventional chocolate is simply drenched in toxic pesticides. 🙁 In fact, it may be the most heavily-sprayed crop of all — up there with coffee and popcorn. You really don’t want to eat chocolate that is not organic! But not to worry: there are many wonderful companies producing excellent-quality chocolate without the poison. We have tasted most of them and carry only the best.

We have almond chocolate bars, mint chocolate bars, dark, extra-dark, and extreme chocolate bars orange chocolate bars, caramel crunch bars, raspberry chocolate bars, coffee crunch chocolate bars, hazelnut chocolate bars, crispy quinoa chocolate bars, salted chocolate bars, coconut milk chocolate bars, sugar-free chocolate bars, and more. We have chocolate-covered raisins, chocolate-covered almonds, cocoa-dusted cashews, chocolate keto bombs, chocolate truffles, chocolate caramels, chocolate cups, candy bars, chocolate minis, and chocolate meltaways. We have organic chocolate chips in no sugar, stevia/erythritol, semisweet, bittersweet, and white chocolate. We have organic chocolate pudding mixes, brownie mixes, cake mixes, and frosting. We have the absolute best, highest-fat cacao powder anywhere, and we make our own decadent hot chocolate mix with it — nothing else can compare! We make gluten-free chocolate cake, chocolate fudge with honey, not sugar, chocolate decadence, chocolate dream bars, and more. If you love chocolate, you will find the best of the best right here.

A second downside to chocolate for many people today is the copper content. If your body cannot bind it for transport, it can be toxic to you. It can cause headaches, fatigue, anxiety, palpitations, and deranged menstrual cycles. This is a problem for the majority of the population today. Copper transport problems can be fixed with a good Nutritional Balancing program over the course of a year or two, after which you should be able to eat chocolate without problems. In the meanwhile, what can a chocoholic do? Enter carob. Not the carob of the 1960’s that tasted like dirt — the good stuff! We have sourced carob powder snacks that closely approximate the flavor and smoothness of chocolate — without the health issues. We carry carob chips, carob-covered almonds, carob cups, carob bars in various flavors, carob almond bombs, carob brownie mix, carob truffles, carob cookies, carob globs, and roasted carob powder. Substitute it cup-for-cup in your baking and see if you don’t fall in love!

Organic Non-GMO Candy

You want a bite of something sweet — but you don’t want the artificial colors, genetically-modified sugar, heavy pesticide load, high fructose corn syrup, fillers and flavor enhancers — where can you go? To Get Healthy, of course! It is shocking how many good brands are out there making candy you can actually eat and how few stores carry any of it! While we recommend a diet low in sugar, there are times you want that special something, or there is a party to put on, or you know the candy you bring will be better than the preschool or Sunday School class alternative. We are here to make that indulgence only a quarter as harmful as it has to be!

We carry organic, non-GMO gummy worms and bears, lollipops, fruit snacks, sour beans, pops, licorice, caramels, delish fish, jelly beans, candy corn, candy canes, candy drops in various flavors, xylitol mints and gum, peanut butter chocolate candy bars, & chocolate coconut candy bars. We have crystallized ginger which borders on candy and several in-house snacks such as our sesame brittle and butter toffee (holidays only). See the chocolate section for more.

Protein Bars

Let’s be honest: there is not much in most protein bars that qualifies as real food. Most of what is out there is loaded with sugar (or tapioca, or brown rice syrup or glucose syrup, etc.), estrogenic soy or poorly-assimilated rice protein,  preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, natural flavors, and other scary fillers. Even in the organic market, choices are slim. We carry what we consider the best of the best, but even there, you are going to find dates as sweetener (plenty of sugar), lots of nuts (not the best assimilated protein), puffed rice or chocolate chips to make people want to eat them, and so forth. We encourage you to stop for 10 minutes to cook up some veggies with protein for a legitimate meal to sustain the energy needs of your body! But as an occasional snack . . . .

We have GoMacro bars in multiple flavors: protein pleasure, peanut butter, banana almond butter, sunny uplift, protein decadence, everlasting joy, and more. We carry Garden of Life high protein weight loss bars in almond brownie, chocolate coconut almond, and salted caramel chocolate. We have LivBars in lemongrass cherry, blueberry vanilla, and coffee maple cacao, ginger lemon turmeric, and raspberry kale maca. We stock Aloha bars in mint protein, fudge brownie, chocolate chip cookie dough, chocolate peanut butter cup, and coconut chocolate almond. We sell Bearded Brothers bars in maca chocolate, blueberry vanilla, and raspberry lemon. Selection may vary based on member request.

Other Snacks

We have some fun snacks that are actually pretty good for you. Try super crisps, beet chips, carrot sticks (salted or naked), cauliflower bites, apple chips, chia sunflower pumpkin snacks, figgy pops, pretzels, popcorn in various flavors as well as raw kernels to pop your own, granola and granola bark, kale chips, sun poppers, paleo puffs, plantain chips, seaweed snacks, beef and other jerkies (grass-fed, of course), cheese sticks (grass-fed), yogurts (grass-fed), olives, pickles, etc. We have a whole array of Get Healthy snacks in the Grab ‘n Go such as our peanut butter and almond butter balls, keto fudge, and cardiotonic superfood balls. We have angelic eggs, mini banana and GF zucchini and pumpkin breads, fresh cookies, and ingredients to make your own party mix and anything else your heart desires!

 Just Real Food!

No rancid seed oils, GMO’s, pesticides, soy, agave, jet fuel additive, bromide, artificial flavors, aluminum dyes . . . .

 Just Real Food!

No rancid seed oils, GMO’s, pesticides, soy, agave, jet fuel additive, bromide, artificial flavors, aluminum dyes . . . .

Grass-Fed Grill

Grill Hours

Smoothies & Beverages
9:00 am -2:00 pm

Full Menu
10:30 am -2:00 pm

Store Hours

M-F  9:00 am - 6:00 pm

SAT  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

SUN  Closed

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